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Fashion  Poetry. Fashion of poetry. Fashionable poetry. Poetry of fashion... One can endlessly play with words and think: how are they related? Each plays out as a mirror, reflecting its historical period.

Poets write about fashion along with the attending material world; sometimes they lag behind, and sometimes jump ahead in time. And this is not surprising, because, after all, "in the beginning was the Word ...”.

Poetry holds great content in small forms. Through it, we ‘leaf’ through the events of the past century, and see all the glamour of that spectacular scene. We can admire how gracefully the fashion of last century had decorated the shocks, social phenomena and discoveries unknown to other centuries: devastating world wars and revolutions, creation of the atomic bomb and the first manned flight into space, anthropogenic impact on the environment, changes in socio-economic structure and ideological barriers, crises and collapsed political regimes, Cold War and terrorism, industrialised society and consumer society, World Wide Web and  globalization… .

Russian poetry of the twentieth century is so precise and gifted that any poem of any period, if written by a real poet, becomes "a magnifying glass", not only a reflecting mirror. Only in the twentieth century could appear such amazing poems about the telephone, electricity, cars, trains and planes. And, of course, like at all times, poets wrote about wine. They were visionaries. As Andrey Voznesenskys said: "Oh, predatory items of century! The soul is vetoed!"

And they honoured women.  

But most of all poets wrote about life themselves, without thinking about it.          

We can now see life in its many manifestations: from religion to ideology, from the way of life to emotions. Thanks to the talent of a poet, we can emotionally perceive the feelings of people of past generations. The trustworthiness of a poem only depends on the talent of a poet.

Maria was born in Moscow, into a family of art and fashion lovers.  Her mother worked with famous Russian designer Slava Zaytsev, and from a young age she was surrounded by beautiful patterns, and the craftsmanship and dedication implicit in fashion design. 
She graduated from Moscow Academy of Economy and Law, and later studied the History of Style, Fashion and Costume at Moscow State University. During that time that she found her passion for fashion and writing.
Maria Tretyakova  runs a well-respected blog, and is currently writing her next book "Poetry of Fashion by Igor Severyanin", as well as consulting in art and fashion, lecturing, and writing for "World of News" weekly newspaper about style.