The well-known Russian sociologist, political analyst, ballet critic and poet will read his poems and verse translations from English and German and answer questions related to other areas of his expertise.
Poel Karp was born on 31st August 1925 and educated at the History Faculty of Moscow University. Since 1987 (Gorbachev’s perestroika) he has published a book on Russian history ("The Russian Experience" -“Otechestvenny Opyt”, SMIO Press, St Petersburg, 2001) and over 400 articles on the social issues in the Soviet Union and Russia, relationship between democracy and economic development, problems of Soviet empire, ethnic tensions, anti-Semitism and Chechen war in numerous magazines and newspapers in Russia and abroad.
Some of them are collected in his book “Freedom is the Basis of Order”. Among his unpublished works is “New Feudalism”, a book on social development of Soviet Russia. Other publications include books "About ballet" - "O balete", "Ballet and drama" - "Balet i drama", " The Younger Muse" - Mladshaya muza,"Collected Notebooks" -" Obshchaya tetrad' (poems), and translations of Heine, Eichendorf, Goethe, Ibsen, Shakespeare and others. To visit his personal web-site click HERE.