Sessions will be short - 90 minutes only - and focused on discussion. Larisa will guide the conversation so that everyone gets a chance to express their opinions, and will keep grammar/ vocabulary corrections to an absolute minimum so you don't lose your flow. You can even pick and choose which lessons you attend: see our list of dates and topics below. All lessons will take place online.
These sessions will be suitable for advanced students (B2 level or above), and we will be restricting group size to 6, with a minimum of 3 students required to run each session. You are very welcome to try out just a single session, or sign up to all six - it's up to you!
8th January: Как отмечают Новый год и Рождество в России.
22nd January: Почему русские не любят говорить о погоде и так много говорят о здоровье?
5th February: Бизнес по-русски.
19th February: Фанаты и противники русской кухни.
5th March: Ошибки перевода.
19th March: Алкоголь в русской традиции.