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Wish You Were Here - Deystvie in London

  • 5a Bloomsbury Square London London, England, United Kingdom (map)

What does the future hold for LGBTIQ+ Bulgarians abroad and at home?

(for Bulgarian please scroll down)

This event aims to bring the Bulgarian LGBTIQ+ community in London together and introduce the work of Deystvie.

Deystvie is dedicated to bringing change to the lives of LGBTIQ+ people in Bulgaria. We are coming to London for the first time this autumn to meet with the Bulgarian LGBTIQ+ community and allies, which have been supporting our work for years! The event will be hosted by Pushkin House, in the heart of Bloomsbury Square, steps away from the British Museum.

During this event, we will introduce our team, share some of the most inspiring stories from our work in the past few years and most importantly, hear from you and learn about your experiences! We invite you to join us for an opportunity to meet, share and feel part of a growing global community.

Deystvie's most recent book publications "The Courage to be" and "The Courage to be a Parent" will be available during the event. This event will be bilingual, Bulgarian-English. Your English speaking family members, partners, friends and allies are more than welcome.

This event is free, but please RSVP here so we have an idea of numbers.

Какво да очакваме ние, ЛГБТИ българите в чужбина и в родината?
*16 часа, 18 септември, ЛОНДОН*

Събитието е насочено към запознаване на българската ЛГБТИ общност в Лондон с работата на Действие.

Действие е организация, посветена да допринесе за промяна в живота на българската ЛГБТИК+ общност. Идваме в Лондон за първи път тази есен, за да се срещнем с местната общност и приятели, които подкрепят работата ни вече от години!

Събитието ще се състои в Pushin House, в центъра на Bloomsbury Square, само на няколко крачки от Британския музей.

По време на събитието ще имате възможност да се запознаете с нашия екип, ще ви разкажем най-вдъхновяващите истории от работата ни през последните години, и най-вече, ще очакваме да чуем вашите истории.

Заповядайте на събитието, за да имаме възможност да се срещнем, споделим и да се почувстваме заедно като част от една растяща глобална общност.

Последните 2 книги с истории, издадени от Действие, „Смелостта да бъдеш“ и „Смелостта да бъдеш родител“ ще бъдат на разположение по време на събитието.

Основният език на събитието е български, но английско говорящите ви членове на семейството, партньори, приятели и съюзници са повече от добре дошли.

Veneta Limberova

Veneta is a lawyer and graduated in Law from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Since 2015 she has been the Chairman of Deystvie. Veneta is campaigning to guarantee the rights of LGBTI parents, legislative amendments to the Family Code to ensure regulation of LGBTI relations and changes to the Penal Code to provide legal protection against hate crimes. Veneta participated in the amendment of Ordinance № 34/2005 on the procedure for payment from the Republican budget for the treatment of Bulgarian citizens for diseases outside the scope of compulsory health insurance. Since 2019, Veneta has been actively training police officers to counter hate crimes against LGBTI people in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior.

Denitsa Lyubenova

Denitsa is a lawyer and human rights defender. She graduated in Law from the University of National and World Economy and specialized in International Public Law at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Denitsa has many years of experience and proven expertise in LGBTI people cases for recognition of marriage concluded abroad, recognition of birth certificates of children of same-sex couples born abroad, cases for change of civil sex and other cases for protection of LGBTI rights. people. Denitza is suing the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union. The most recent case that Denitsa is conducting together with Deystviee concerns the issuance of a Bulgarian birth certificate and citizenship to a child born into a same-sex family, which is heard by the highest instance - Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice (C-490/20).


Borimir Totev

Borimir’s interests are at the intersection of migration, politics, community organising and culture. A graduate of University College London, with experience working as an arts and creative events producer, social impact communications and marketing, as well as developing, managing and delivering public programmes in the charity, civil rights and not-for-profit sectors.