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The Case. Дело Собчака

Year: 2019
Country: Russia
Running time: 1h 57 min
Idea and narration: Ksenia Sobchak
Screenplay: Vera Krichevskaya, Ksenia Sobchak
Director: Vera Krichevskaya
Produсer: Nino Maisaia

Cast: Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia; Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russia; Victor Zolotov, the Director of the Russia’s National Guard (Rosgvardiya), the former Head of Security for Vladimir Putin, and Anatoly Sobchak’s personal bodyguard; 

Alexander Korzhakov, the former Head of Security for President Yeltsin; Tatiana Yumasheva, President Yeltsin’s daughter; Sati Spivakova, actress; Sobchak’s family friend

Alexey Kudrin, the Head of Court of Auditors of Russia, the former Head of Treasury;

Anatoly Chubais, the Head of Rosnano, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia; 

Valentin Yumashev, the former chief of staff for President Yeltsin; 

Sergey Filatov, the former chief of staff for President Yeltsin.

Genre: Documentary

In Russian with English subtitles

The story of Anatoly Sobchak, Vladimir Putin’s patron. The central figure of The Case is Anatoly Sobchak. He was a democrat of the first wave in Gorbachev era and the first mayor of St.- Petersburg who ironically brought Vladimir Putin into power. Ksenia Sobchak, a daughter of Anatoly Sobchak, is a protagonist. In the beginning of the documentary, Ksenia describes the film as an attempt to reconstruct the events of the last 10 years of her father’s life when she was just a kid. Ksenia tries to answer the questions why pro-democracy activist Sobchak brought Vladimir Putin, a KGB officer, into power and why Boris Yeltsin chose Putin as his successor. We uncover the events of the power succession, untold special agent Putin's operation and Sobchak’s pivotal role in it and the effect of the criminal case against him.