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Doker Filmfest. Third-Class Travel

Director: Rodion Ismailov

Script: Rodion Ismailov

Photography: Mikhail Gorobchuk

Editor: Igor Chupin

Sound: Igor Inshakov

Producer: Rodion Ismailov, Fridrikh Ku

A documentary film which recounts the lives of passengers travelling on the longest rail route in the world - the Trans-Siberian Railway. The director tells the stories and fortunes of ordinary Russians met by chance on the Moscow-Vladivostok train. The endless journey is a metaphor of the country in perpetual motion, while the passengers' stories form a social portrait of contemporary Russian society.

In Russian, with English subtitles

Introduced and with a Q&A by Sergei Kachkin, one of the organisers of DOKer festival.

Sergei Kachkin is a graduate from Marina Razbezhkina's School of Documentary Film and Theatre. Since 2006 he has worked as a director, producer and cinematographer of documentaries. He is head of the project department of the Moscow Co-Productions Forum Moscow Business Square (since 2011), which was held in the framework of the Moscow International Film Festival. The organizer of an educational seminar in Perm Flahertiana ADA Workshop. The premiere of his first feature film On the way home was held at the Krakow Film Festival in 2012. Subsequently, the film was shown on dozens of TV channels in the world. In 2016 he completed his latest film Perm-36. Reflection, which was shown at Pushkin House in 2018.

Rodion Ismailov was born in 1966 in Tauz (Azerbaijan). In 1998, he graduated from Saint Petersburg State University of Cinematography and Television, specialized in film-directing. Rodion founded Deboshir Film Studio in 1997, and from 2000 till 2005, he was the president of Saint Petersburg Fund Independent Cinema Fund. Since 2009 he has been the director and producer in production centre DC Film.


Документальный, 2017

Режиссер: Родион Исмаилов

Сценарист: Родион Исмаилов

Оператор: Михаил Горобчук

Хронометраж: 82 мин.

Путешествие по самой длинной железной дороге в мире. Истории и судьбы простых россиян, случайно встретившихся в поезде «Москва- Владивосток». Калейдоскоп рассказов пассажиров складывается в социальный портрет современного российского общества, а бесконечная дорога превращается в метафору страны, которая постоянно куда-то движется.

РОДИОН ИСМАИЛОВ -родился в Азербайджане. В 1998 году окончил Санкт-Петербургскую Государственную Академию Культуры и Искусств по специальности «кинорежиссер». С 1997 по 1999 год – генеральный директор «Дебошир Фильм - Студии». С 2000 по 2005 год – президент Санкт-Петербургского фонда «Независимое кино». С 2009 года режиссер и продюсер в продюсерском центре «ДС Фильм». Автор фильмов «Кочевье» (2010), «Моя родня» (2013), «Плацкарт» (2017).


Third-class travel
from £6.00
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